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Signs of a Damaged Sewer Line

Owning a home requires the ability to manage the financial aspect of ownership as well as the maintenance necessary to keep a home in working order at all times. When caring for your home, it is important to have the ability to detect plumbing issues, including sewer line problems that may indicate damage. When you are familiar with signs of a damaged sewer line, reach out to C. Lee Services. We are the expert in sewer repair in Stow, OH, that is necessary for the job.

Blockages and Water Backups

Drain blockages and backups are the most common signs of plumbing issues and sewer line trouble that may require our team to offer sewer pipe line repair in Stow, OH. When drains are clogged and water is backing up into your tub, shower, sink, or even a basement drain, your sewer line may be the culprit.

Mold Problems

Mold growth throughout your home, on your home's foundation, or on specific walls may indicate leaks or plumbing issues with your home's sewer line. Reach out to C. Lee Services to address the issue right away.

Gassy Odors

If you smell a gassy or unpleasant odor throughout your home, especially when you are near drains, sinks, faucets, and other plumbing fixtures, you may have a damaged sewer line. C. Lee Services provides sewer line repair in Stow, OH, that you need.

Foundation Problems

Foundation cracks, sinkholes, or other noticeable issues with your home's foundation may indicate a faulty or damaged sewer line. A majorly damaged sewer line may require professional sewer installation in Stow, OH, to help with replacing your sewer line before the issues you are experiencing worsen.

Knowing the signs of a damaged sewer line can help you to determine whether you need repair services or a sewer line replacement in Stow, OH, from C. Lee Services. The more knowledgeable you become of sewer line issues and signs of trouble, the easier it is for our team to address them. Call us or fill out the form to set an appointment.

Do I Have to Be Home? We typically request that our customers, or an adult at the very least are home to grant us access to the pipes as needed, but they do not need to be home for the entirety of our visit on their property while repairs are being finished.

Will I Need To Move Furniture? Normally we won’t require our customers to move furniture or household items, but if there are a lot of items blocking access to the pipes, we will need to move some of them out of the way.

How Long Will You Need To Fix My Pipes? The time needed to finish our work is will be defined based on the damage we find in the pipes, and repairs can be as short as a few hours or a couple of days depending on what is required of our team.

When Do I Pay For Your Services? Customers will pay us for our repair and cleaning services after we finish our work on their property. In addition, we offer options for financing as needed.

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