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Carbon Monoxide Testing in Akron, OH, and Nearby Areas

Carbon Monoxide Testing Summit County

Carbon monoxide can be fatal even in small doses, particularly for elders and small children, and is virtually odorless meaning getting your home or office tested is highly important. At C Lee Services, we can eliminate the risk and guarantee total peace of mind for you and your family by using the latest, state-of-the-art carbon monoxide testing equipment and tools to conduct a professional assessment of possible issues in your commercial or residential property.

Why Choose C.Lee Services

  • Upfront Pricing
  • On-Time Guarantee
  • Licensed and Insured
  • Routine and Emergency Service


Carbon monoxide is difficult to perceive with the nose and the naked eye because it's invisible and has no discernible odor. When carbon monoxide levels reach 70 ppm, or parts per million, it's considered to be very lethal. In gas form, carbon monoxide can be dangerous in low concentrations, and serious complications and symptoms can show up in CO levels as low as 9 ppm.

CO is dangerous when taken as it impedes the body's ability to carry oxygen to where it needs to go. The symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning can vary from one person to another, depending on several factors such as exposure length, gas concentration and the individual's overall health condition. Some people may experience unusual dizziness, lethargy and nausea, while others may feel a painful headache and difficulty breathing.

If CO persists in an environment and is not cleared, the poisoning can have long-lasting, often fatal effects. For this reason we'd recommend getting a carbon monoxide test done on buildings and residential properties and to have a carbon monoxide detector installed in key locations such as bedrooms and office cubicles.


Take stock at all the fuel-burning appliances in your house and see if they're starting to show their age. Have each one checked for possible carbon monoxide production. Even newer equipment will need to be tested to eliminate possibilities. Duct systems, combustion air, venting systems and additional appliances can be compromised, depending on variables such as shock, vibrations, pressure and building structure and its operation can lead to extra CO being emitted.

Carbon emission can even come unlikely sources, such as your boiler, space heater, gas logs, gas range and water heater. At C Lee Services, we recommend carbon monoxide testing at least once on all your installed appliances, and preventive CO testing each year.

Schedule your Carbon Monoxide testing appointment today! We cater to the following locations:


At C Lee Services, our certified technicians handle carbon monoxide testing the right way. So if you’re looking for a qualified plumber in Akron, OH, we’re the company to call. We can do comprehensive testing to detect all leaks and determine the source of the emission quickly and reliably.

Our technicians use the best monitoring equipment and the latest methods. Our CO testing is done in real time in order to get an accurate reading of your current carbon monoxide levels. Once completed, our experts will provide you documentation of the testing results and recommend the best course of action. We can also give an estimate of the cost of trenchless pipe lining and other services you might require.

Schedule comprehensive CO testing with C Lee Services today. Our technicians have more than 30 years' worth of knowledge working with various customers all over the Ohio area. We will make sure all your heating systems and appliances are safe to use and working in optimal condition. What's more, our Carbon Monoxide Testing only takes a short time while providing long-term peace of mind.

Do I Have to Be Home? We typically request that our customers, or an adult at the very least are home to grant us access to the pipes as needed, but they do not need to be home for the entirety of our visit on their property while repairs are being finished.

Will I Need To Move Furniture? Normally we won’t require our customers to move furniture or household items, but if there are a lot of items blocking access to the pipes, we will need to move some of them out of the way.

How Long Will You Need To Fix My Pipes? The time needed to finish our work is will be defined based on the damage we find in the pipes, and repairs can be as short as a few hours or a couple of days depending on what is required of our team.

When Do I Pay For Your Services? Customers will pay us for our repair and cleaning services after we finish our work on their property. In addition, we offer options for financing as needed.

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